Q. “Civitas”是什么意思?
A. The word "civitas" is Latin and means “公民身份” — the position of inhabiting a given place and exercising the rights, 那个地方固有的特权和责任. 基于这个定义, the Augustana Civitas荣誉计划 is centered on exploring the nature and characteristics of 公民身份 at Augustana University, 在美国以及作为全球社区的一部分.
Q. Civitas荣誉课程会增加我的通识教育要求吗?
A. No. The 宗教 and English courses during your first year are already part of the general education requirements. The sequenced courses (CIVT 201-204) may be substituted for any four courses in Augustana's core curriculum. The Vocation Project (CIVT 395) may be done as part of your major; in a number of majors, 它也可以作为部门的荣誉论文.
Q. 我的专业是否包括Civitas荣誉课程?
A. 如上所述,职业项目(CIVT 395)可以算在某些部门的专业. Some CIVT 202-204 courses are cross-listed with individual departmental offerings and can count toward that departmental major for Civitas students. 最近的例子包括生物180/Civitas 202:环境科学导论, 和新闻290/历史290/Civitas 203:美国新闻界的历史.
Q. 我可以主修任何学科并成为Civitas的一员吗?
A. 一般来说,是的. 精心策划, even students in pre-professional majors with heavy course loads have completed the Civitas荣誉计划.
Q. Civitas荣誉课程是否会给我带来额外的工作负担?
A. No. Civitas荣誉课程不是简单的标准课程,有额外的书籍和额外的写作. 课程是独立的课程,强调质量而不是数量. 而Civitas的课程是严格和具有挑战性的, 他们也允许时间仔细思考和有意义的讨论. 它们旨在包含创新内容, 创造性教学策略, 批判性思维, 慷慨的师生互动和跨学科的焦点.
Q. 我将在Civitas荣誉项目中学习哪些课程?
A. Civitas荣誉计划 students begin in their first year by taking honors sections (labeled CV in the course catalog) of two required freshman courses — Religion 110 Exploring Christian Faith and English 200 The Literary Experience. They then take a sequence of four courses (CIVT 201-204) that speak to concepts drawn from theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s essay “负责任生活的结构”: deputyship, 针对性, 正义, 和自由. 大三的时候, Civitas学生开始计划个人学习经历(他们的职业计划(CIVT 395)), 这些课程通常在三年级末或四年级初完成.
答:理想情况下, CIVT 110, 200, 和201(阅读12bet游戏平台)应该在大二的第一年或第一学期进行. 除此之外,学生可以按任何顺序参加CIVT 202、203和204. 如果日程安排需要的话, 学生也可以参加CIVT 201晚于顺序中的一个或一些其他.
答:Civitas荣誉课程的学生需要保持总GPA为3.0. 如果在他/她的第一年结束时,Civitas学生的GPA低于3.他/她将有一个学期的时间来提高他们的GPA. 平均绩点低于3分.此后任何学期都将构成退学的理由.
答:Civitas是一个基于公民意识的荣誉项目. 像这样, 我们鼓励学生尽可能多地参与大学生活的各个方面, 无论是在学生组织中, 宿舍领导, 参加校内、校外或其他场所的志愿者活动. We also expect students to be a good citizen of the Civitas荣誉计划 by participating in Civitas activities such as social events, 外部演讲者或同学的会议和演讲.
A:我们相信,最好的学生应该得到最好的老师. Many of the professors who teach Civitas荣誉计划 classes have received or been nominated for the college’s highest teaching awards. A number of those professors have also written books that are highly respected in their academic discipline. All Civitas courses are designed either to be team taught by professors from different disciplines or be augmented through guest lectures that can provide interdisciplinary topical expertise.
A. The Civitas荣誉计划 is administered by a director and committee that includes three professors from the College of Arts and Sciences, 以及教务处和招生办的代表, 图书馆, 注册商, 道德价值观主席.
A. Dr. 威廉·斯瓦特,社会学教授和Civitas荣誉项目主任,可以通过 电子邮件 或者605.274.5329.